Tuesday, April 2, 2013

A Lover's Defence - Post #1

An Accuser’s voice, 

"How do you respond to all these charges of impropriety?"

A Lover’s response, 
“Have you ever met genius and art that so fascinated you that you could think of little else? Do you know what it is to be attracted by some glimmer of light and brilliance and then, as you draw closer, a loveliness unfolds that surprises and delights you? Your smile grows larger and the contemplation that inspires only grows fonder with the passage of time. It is like coming across value and wisdom that, at the time, you are not able to apprehend. It escapes your conscious notice but something on the order of pheromones never-the-less draws you and moves you inexplicably. It is the mystery of all the choices we make before our conscious awareness even notices what is going on. It is as though we are drawn on by unseen forces - God if you will. The triggers of sight and the visceral response of smell captures your attention and somehow you are awakened to loveliness.

“I know this great joy and I have struggled all my life to respond to it in a way that feels like fulfillment, like naturalness, like unmitigated joy. I do not regret the courage of my responses that have been this way. There are too many examples and anecdotes I can give of fear, of the opinions of others, the pressures of family and followers and that of leaders that have diverted me from the quantum pull of my own heart. Where I have turned aside to see a burning bush but I did not stay long enough to listen. The clamour and clutter of the agenda of others clouded my perception and the clear experience of my own soul.

“The forces of history and the contextual pull of the present are propelling me into the consummation of the future. It is the inexorable flow of destiny. When I have yielded to this flow of destiny and courageously initiated movement toward this natural visceral response I have traveled decades and miles in moments. I found myself in heaven, in a place where I wanted to live forever. I saw things that made me weep. I heard things that melted my heart. Something in the aether moved through me and I could see/hear the end of time. I saw and heard humility and power. I watched as human artifice and pride crumbled and melted into the soft simple care of a child who listened and learned. The smoke of Babylon rose up and those who were moved by this something in the aether were unmoved by the great pull of power, wealth, and pride.

“When I looked into her eyes they ravished me with embrace. I saw my own worth. I became better than I was. I became more whole and a more true expression of myself. I am glad I cast off restraint. I am happy to have followed my heart. I have tasted heaven and I am so rich and my eyes have seen beyond the pale of this unfulfilled and longing world.

“What do I say to accusations and to the shame inferred by this word impropriety? I say I am happy, I am free, I am full of love, and I would do it again a thousand times over!”

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